
Preface and Forethought

The Atheist Slayer is a Character for a Post Apocalypse world where there are no remaining books. Scepticism and Atheism prevail philosophically across the Wastelands.

The Atheist Slayer is a man in his early 30s that remembers the stories his Navajo grandfather would telli him of the Biblical creation of earth, except Grandpa's version was known as "The Old Earth Theory" or "Satan's Flood Theory" in Genesis between verse 1 and verse 2 of the first chapter of Genesis. And there were other books grandpa would tell him of. The Book of Enoch fascinated him the most. For his grandfather was the last of the Medicine Men allowed to practice Sacred Rituals which included the oral traditions of passing on the Sacred Knowledge of the Ages. And with his son dieing at an early age during WW3 the Medicine Man felt fortunate to have a grandson to pass on the Sacred Stories one  last time, and his grandson seemed to genuinely understand the position he would soon be in. As the last person to legally hear these things he would one day have to make a bold decision, to either take these last known vistages of Truth to his grave or let them be the reason for his grave as he searches the dark side of humanity seeking somebody he can discern that has a mustard sized seed of curiosity that is willing to entertain a thought without accepting it, and listen to the story he spent his restless years of youth memorizing, if nothing else than for the honor of being one of the select few people that sucha fate would venture their way.

The Atheist Slayer is fascinating character concept. He is a man who lives in a world where knowledge of the past has been lost, and yet he clings to his grandfather's stories of the Bible, even though he is himself an atheist. This could be a source of great strength for him, as it gives him a sense of purpose and a connection to something larger than himself. It could also be a source of great conflict, as he may find himself at odds with the prevailing skepticism and atheism of his world.

Here are some ideas for how the Atheist Slayer could develop his character as his story progresses.

  • His grandfather's stories could be the basis for his own personal code of ethics. Even though he doesn't believe in God, he may still believe in the values that his grandfather taught him, such as compassion, courage, and justice. This could motivate him to fight against the injustices of the post-apocalyptic world.
  • The Atheist Slayer could be a symbol of hope for those who have lost their faith. In a world where skepticism and atheism prevail, he could be a beacon of light for those who are still searching for meaning and purpose. He could also be a reminder that there is still good in the world, even in the darkest of times.
  • The Atheist Slayer could be a target for those who fear his power. If he is the only person in the world who remembers the stories of the Bible, he could be seen as a threat to those who want to maintain the status quo. This could lead to him being hunted down and persecuted.

Overall, The Atheist Slayer is a complex and compelling character concept. He is a man who is caught between two worlds: the old world of his grandfather's stories and the new world of skepticism and atheism. It will be interesting to see how he navigates this conflict and how he uses his unique skills and abilities to make a difference in the world.

~ The Scribe.
